About us

At RecycNet, we are dedicated to providing businesses with a reliable source of recyclable materials. Our goal is to promote a greener and more sustainable future by facilitating the shift towards a circular economy. We specialize in the sale of recyclable waste, making it easy for companies to incorporate environmentally-friendly practices into their operations. Our mission is to create a more sustainable world by connecting businesses with the resources they need to reduce their environmental impact. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, we are committed to making a positive difference in the world. Join us in our mission to build a better future for generations to come.

RecycNet was founded in 2010 with the goal of promoting sustainability and reducing waste in the business sector. Our founders, who have a strong background in recycling and waste management, saw a need for a more efficient and streamlined process for businesses to buy and sell recyclable materials. Since then, we have grown into a leading platform for businesses to connect and trade recyclables, offering a wide range of materials including paper, plastic, metal, and more. We are proud to have served thousands of businesses and have diverted millions of pounds of waste from landfills. Our commitment to innovation and sustainability continues to drive us forward as we work towards a greener and more circular economy.

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